Friday, October 23, 2009

Re: Urgent Prayers

Dear Fellows Christian,
I have 2 prayers request to make,
1.My sister Hannah is going for a operation on Monday the 23rd next month,please pray that she won't be in pain after it.
2.As you all know that I suffer from TMJ,I have been on this tablet call Amiritptyline for 4 weeks it was use for nightime to try and block my pain out,well sad news it hasn't done anything.I have been in contact with my Maxillofacial surgeon who is now wanting to increase it from 10mg to 20mg,I have been in pain for 3 and a half years.I am hoping if the Lord carries me till next year 2010 I hope to go ahead and have the jaw replacement which I really need.Forgot to say guys I am to have a filling put in my teeth but I hope to go to sleep for it which means a another operation.
Any prayers request let me know?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh....Man....I will pray for you!